
Monday, May 16, 2016

It's time for women to start supporting each other

Why do us women always seem to be putting each other down?  Why is there always so much judgment with women?

I can remember going out with a group of ladies a couple years back and the whole day was spent tearing other ladies down.  "Look what she's wearing!"  "Did you see her hair?"  "I can not believe she left the house like that!"  Even in the small group of so called "friends" there were insults amongst each other.  These weren't teenagers, they were grown women!  I went home that day a little sad about the whole experience.

It's not that I've never put someone down before, I'm human and I have made lots of mistakes in my life that I'm not proud of.  But, I'm now on a mission to better myself and hopefully make this place a little better for my children to grow up in.  I have children now to be an example for and one with special needs.  A daughter that will no doubt be made fun of in her life time because she looks "different" than some of her peers.  A daughter who will be judged based solely on appearance.  A daughter who will be underestimated based on a diagnosis.  So, this makes this subject a little more touchy for me.

I realize there are a couple main reasons that women put each other down.  The biggest cause for this that I can see, is there own insecurities.  We all have them!  It's always been tough for women.  There is a certain criteria that society thinks that women should meet.  And if we don't, we think we are not good enough.  It's so much tougher now with social media.  We see pictures on the internet of women and think that is how we should look, just because someone else thinks its beautiful.  We see a mom post on Facebook about all the hours she volunteers at her child's school, and the working mom's start feeling the guilt that they aren't doing enough.  We see the mom's taking their children on elaborate vacations, and the stay at home mom starts to think, maybe I should go back to work so we can afford that.  We see the moms who work out everyday and we start doubting the way we look.  It goes on and on and on!!

So, what happens to all of these insecurities?   When the situations can't be changed, the insecurities turn to anger and blame.  We start getting upset with these moms who we think are somehow better than us (they're not!!) and we start finding reasons to hate them.  We start looking for the negative in that person and just to make us feel better about ourselves, we start telling our friends the bad things about them.  Is this starting to sound familiar????

But this HAS to change!!  The thing is, is that we are all uniquely made!  God gave us each different gifts and talents.  What you should be concerned about is, are YOU using those gifts to the best of YOUR ability?
                 "God's gift to us: Potential.  Our gift to God:  Developing it."

I say, we take a stand against society!  I say we work on being the best version of ourselves!  I say we start lifting each other up instead of putting each other down!  I say we start supporting each other!

Think of the things we could get done in this world if we were working together instead of against each other!

That is why I love what I do!  I get to do this everyday, at least I try!  My groups are about lifting each other up, empowering each other.  It's not about looking a certain way!  It's about feeling better physically and emotionally.  It's about finding your confidence. It's about feeling good in your own skin.  No more comparing yourself to ANYONE else but who you use to be!

   "If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured the the rest of the world will not raise the price."

If you want to be a part of one of these groups, email me or fill out this application

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