But oh boy did I overdo it on the food!! Have you ever noticed that Thanksgiving dinner is made up of mostly carbohydrates? Let me recount the food we ate just for dinner on Thanksgiving day; mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing (dressing), mac n cheese, dinner rolls, corn, green beans, ham and turkey! HOLY MOLY! That's a LOT of CARBS!! But you know what, it's once a year, so I indulged! And I felt like crap the rest of the weekend, which is why I do not eat like that all the time. And also why I am super excited to be starting the 21 day fix nutrition plan today!
Why the 21 day fix??
Here is why I love the 21 day fix and also why it is so effective.
1) It's an easy to follow nutrition plan!! It comes with these cute little containers that you use to measure your food so no counting calories or points. The containers are color coded; ie. RED is for your protein, PURPLE for your fruit and so on. The nutrition guide shows you exactly how to figure out how many of these containers you get to eat in a day based on your personal needs. It also contains great recipes and meal ideas.
2) The workouts are 30 minutes long!!!! That's it, one half of an hour!!! Anyone can make time for that! The workouts also come with a modifier so just about anyone can do it. And believe me, when I first started, I used the modifier often! And it can be done from the comfort of your own home!!
3) The meal replacement shakes that come with this program (Shakeology) are AMAZING!! I seriously do not go a day without my Shake. It is full of nutrients and superfoods! It gives me so much energy and helps keep those cravings at bay. My whole family drinks these shakes because I know, even if they eat terrible, if they've had their shakes they are getting the nutrients they need.
4) It takes 21 days to break a bad habit and start a new good habit. Following the 21 day nutrition plan helps you to break all those bad eating habits and teaches you how to eat healthy, clean food that also tastes good. This is not a quick fix! This nutrition guide is meant to show you what foods you should be eating ALL the time, not just for the 21 days. You can't get finished with the 21 days and then go right back to what you were doing before. What you can do is take what you've learned from the challenge and apply it to your daily life with an 80/20 rule. That's what I follow. If you eat right 80% of the time then you don't have to feel guilty when you have cheat meals the other 20%. It's all about moderation and that is the one thing that the 21 day fix has taught me. I do NOT diet but I do provide the fuel my body needs with an occasional treat.
5) It works!!!
So even when I am not necessarily doing the 21 day fix workouts (I like to change my workouts often), I like to follow the nutrition plan. This is the program I started with over a year and a half ago. This is the program my hubby started out with over 6 months ago. It is the program that we will always go back to.
If you are interested in ordering the this program, you can fill out the form on this blog or go to my website here http://teambeachbody.com/shop/
Make it a great week!!!